Email Signature Hints & Tips

Email Signature Hints & Tips

Did you know !?

There are 3 times more
email accounts compared to social media accounts?
94% of internet users use email
but only 61% use social media?

Check out some other interesting facts on email usage:

  • Around 500 billion emails are sent daily.
  • At the time of this article there are over 5 billion email accounts worldwide.
  • On average we spends at least 2-3 hours a day using our email
    (reading, writing, replying and deleting)

Email is so part of our daily life that it is still a very effective marketing tool and many modern marketers tend to forget that. NOW, it is all for nothing if your email signature is poorly designed and not responsive or user-friendly. It can damage your brand reputation and make you look ‘unprofessional’ to some or potential customers.

Professional & great designed email signatures takes time and effort to get right. It needs to be responsive and be visually appealing in different mail clients on both mobile, desktop. Signatures should include ‘to-the-point’ contact details, use email disclaimers and remain consistent for all users.

Vinet Internet Solutions has got access to professional designers, in-house and 3rd party email signature management tools to give you just the edge above the rest.

Use our Email Signature Hints & Tips to create the perfect signature and use it to benefit your business or institution in different ways.

08 1
08 2

Hints & Tips


27 1


31 1

Contact Details

30 1
104 1


28 1


(mobile and desktop friendly)

20 4

Remember all your social links

19 1

You can’t really achieve anything through an email channel if you can’t control it.

Dedicated email signature management tools is the only way to ensure
, consistent, dynamic content, and click-tracking marketing system integration.


Contact our team today to find out how we can help
simplify and manage your company signatures for you.

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